Greatness begins with awareness.

Susan’s Insights

developing emotional intelligence skills

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How to Hit Your Stride as a Leader

How to Hit Your Stride as a Leader

Is your work really letting you tap into your passion and use your talents? Or are you in an executive job you do enjoy but feeling you haven’t hit your stride as a leader quite yet?

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A Powerful Leader Transforms a Team with Kolbe

The Talent Development team at a national financial services company used the insights from the Kolbe assessment tools to significantly improve their team dynamics, collaboration and to bring new talent onto the team.  The work occurred over a calendar year. We...

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Feature article on Susan

Kolbe Corp sends out a monthly newsletter, Kolbe Connections.  This month the newsletter featured Susan and how she uses the Kolbe tools to serve individual and team clients.  Enjoy the article:  Coaching and Consulting that is Kolbe Inspired  

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Kolbe tool transforms a business

Kolbe tool transforms a business

I recently had the opportunity to spend time with the answerQUEST team and was quite impressed with their organization.  answerQUEST is a successful executive search company that is “taking their own medicine” to improve productivity, enhance working relationships and...

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Why innate energy matters

Why innate energy matters

Understanding how you naturally solve problems can make a huge difference in your ability to get the job done well with lots of energy.  Everyone has an innate way of taking action which does not change over our lifetime. These problem-solving patterns are present in...

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Understanding relationships like NEVER before

Kolbe’s new A to A report hits a grand slam in detailing what happens in relationships.  It provides: insights and strategies to be more collaborative areas where we might get challenged, and helpful tips so we can understand what is at play between us and...

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A Powerful Leader Transforms a Team with Kolbe

The Talent Development team at a national financial services company used the insights from the Kolbe assessment tools to significantly improve their team dynamics, collaboration and to bring new talent onto the team.  The work occurred over a calendar year. We...

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How well does your job fit you?

The Kolbe A Index quantifies a person’s natural mental energy. The index reveals why certain types of actions give us tremendous energy, while other tasks can strip us of energy and engagement. When we work using the mental energy that engages us; we thrive and...

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What is the Kolbe System?

The Kolbe system is a revolutionary, proprietary analysis tool that is based on empirical research and years of experience. Its foundation is built on the fact that our "innate talents" are unchanging and constant. This is in stark contrast to our skills and learned...

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How well do you say NO?

How well do you say NO?

How often do you say yes, when you really want to say no?  Do you respond with a list of reasons why something isn’t a good idea, when a simple no is what your gut says? Learning when and how to say no is how we create healthy boundaries. It sounds so simple, yet many...

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Enjoy Thanksgiving every day

Enjoy Thanksgiving every day

I have found that if you love life, life will love you back. Arthur Rubinstein The concept of Thanksgiving is a wonderful practice for every day.  It is a lovely American holiday.  It is not a commercial event filled with heavy-duty expectations like the winter...

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Do nothing, when nothing works

Kathy Kolbe wrote that line, “Do Nothing, When Nothing Works” several years ago as part of “5 Rules For Trusting Your Guts” in her book, Powered by Instinct.  I have to admit I did not really understand this rule until today when it hit me like a thunderbolt. I am at...

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Two long goodbyes

I lost both of my parents to dementia.  How they handled the challenge was as different as they were.  Dad never acknowledged anything was wrong and always fought any suggestion of it.  Mom was graceful about her memory challenges, always willing to acknowledge it.  I...

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When values demand a change

When values demand a change

Many people have a clear definition of their values, however their daily activities do not always reflect those values.  Sometimes the disconnection between values and our work becomes so intense, a career change evolves quite naturally. Catherine recently underwent...

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Life lessons from India

Last summer I had the opportunity to travel to India with my husband, Alan to spend several weeks at an Ayurvedic clinic for our health and well-being.  Ayurvedic is a type of ancient, Indian medicine. I was reviewing the blog we wrote from our last trip and thought...

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Setting goals works

Setting goals works

At the end of each calendar year, I provide coaching clients with an exercise to review their successes, disappointments and lessons learned from the previous year.  Based on those findings, they define ten key goals for their professional and personal life for the...

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Starting my coaching business

Starting my coaching business

I have been self employed as a coach for the last fifteen years. When I began studying and announced I was becoming a coach, many asked what sport I coached. To start, my area of focus was life, and eventually I moved to business and executive coaching. Over time I...

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Each year at this time, I invite my clients to review their prior-year results and then open a new year with stated goals.  It is a simple process.  Spend some time thinking about what would make 2013 an ideal year for you. To complete 2012, there are three things to...

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