Greatness begins with awareness.

Starting my coaching business

CoachingI have been self employed as a coach for the last fifteen years. When I began studying and announced I was becoming a coach, many asked what sport I coached. To start, my area of focus was life, and eventually I moved to business and executive coaching.

Over time I learned that I have a sensitive system and that a fast-paced corporate life on and off of airplanes was too much for me. I loved the stories of what motivated my colleagues and clients, so coaching appeared to be an ideal fit for my next professional chapter. I could help my clients be successful in their chosen careers and live a more balanced life that worked for me. Interestingly enough, this sensitivity gives me a keen ear and intuition to get clients beyond their spoken words and stated agendas.

I found it easy to find clients; I had a reputation as a no-nonsense business person and several of my former colleagues hired me. They did not know about the benefits of coaching, but trusted me and were game to try this new type of support. At first, I named my business Living From Your Heart  because that was what I intended to do for myself and I thought I would attract clients who wanted to do the same. I soon realized that coaching business people was more interesting so I dropped the name and changed my target market.

For the first few years, I wrote and distributed a newsletter called, Thoughts for the Good Life which I mailed quarterly to about 1,500 people. The names came from people I met everywhere I went; networking or giving talks to generate business. In the early days, people thought coaching was for the broken and wounded. My intention was to explain the benefits of coaching and give examples of how successful people used coaching to be more powerful, fulfilled and prosperous.

My blog is taken from my experiences as a coach and my life. I change most of the names and industries of my clients to hold their confidences; unless they have given me approval to reveal their identity. I love working through a client’s challenges, creating solutions with her or him to take back to the workplace.

The lessons I have learned are universal; it does not matter where one works or the level of responsibility. Everyone wants to be happy, loved, heard, acknowledged and contribute to the world. Coaching helps us contribute more powerfully in our personal and professional lives.


  1. Deb Heed

    I remember when you started your business, Susan, and it’s been my privilege to watch you take your “no nonsense” approach to your community. Thank you for your powerful example.

    • Susan

      Thanks, Deb. I appreciate your kind words. I miss you in the coaching community and love watching what you are doing with your professional zest!


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