What if you could finally make your life and work a better fit for who you truly are, without limiting yourself to how others expect you to be?
Greatness begins with awareness.
Susan’s Insights
2025 – Make It Your Best Year!
The holidays area perfect time for quiet leadership reflection, to evaluate what has been and what’s most important to focus on in the new year. Here’s a simple yet incredibly powerful exercise to help you do so.
Leaders As Mentors and Coaches: Making Time To Develop Others
The most successful leaders see themselves as mentors. They realize their job is not to always be the smartest person in the room but nurture their team to come up with their own solutions and innovative ideas.
Straight-Talk Your Way to Leadership Success
Honest, to-the-point, say-what-you-mean leadership communication is one of the most crucial aspects of success and effective teamwork. Yet, most leaders shy away from it.
Leading with Empathy: How To Develop This Crucial Skill
“I know leading with empathy is important. I just don’t know how to do it.” This is what I hear from many senior leaders and managing partners I coach. Many leaders are not empathetic.
How To Be a Great Leader: Lead with Humanity
I often coach senior executives and managing partners who are trying to understand how to be great leaders. They are subject matter experts in their fields but now find themselves in unfamiliar territory.
Could Overusing Your Leadership Strengths Be Causing Your Exhaustion?
Relying too much on your leadership strengths can backfire and even bring you into exhaustion. Here is how to become aware of what’s happening.
Your Boss Wants You To Work With a Leadership Coach: Should You Be Nervous?
Most of the clients of company-sponsored leadership coaching confess that getting coached wasn’t their choice and they are worried about it. Let’s ease the concerns!
The Freedom To Be Yourself In Your Leadership Role
What if you could finally make your life and work a better fit for who you truly are, without limiting yourself to how others expect you to be?
The Two Biggest Factors To Grow As A Leader
In my 30 years as an Executive Leadership Coach, I have seen that there are invariably two core areas to address to effectively get leaders to grow.
Leaders Feeling Overwhelmed: A Simple Aid That Goes A Long Way
Many senior leaders report feeling overwhelmed. This very powerful tool can help them and their teams get some control back in their days.
Using Kolbe to Better Meet Your Clients’ Needs
Quickly understanding how people make decisions and take action can be a real asset to better meet clients’ needs.
Leaders As Mentors and Coaches: Making Time To Develop Others
The most successful leaders see themselves as mentors. They realize their job is not to always be the smartest person in the room but nurture their team to come up with their own solutions and innovative ideas.
Straight-Talk Your Way to Leadership Success
Honest, to-the-point, say-what-you-mean leadership communication is one of the most crucial aspects of success and effective teamwork. Yet, most leaders shy away from it.
Leadership Communication 101: Become a Great Listener
Being a great listener might just be the #1 skill of any great leader. Luckily, listening is easy enough…or is it? How many of us can honestly say we truly listen, 100% of the time?
The Science That Helps You Hire the Right Person
Crucial factors are often overlooked when trying to hire the right person for the job. Here’s how to get these insights upfront.
Resolving Collaboration Problems Through a Kolbe Assessment
Kolbe helps you resolve collaboration problems by understanding how each person operates and how to optimize how you work with each other.
Struggling to Reach Performance Goals? A Kolbe Assessment Can Tell You Why
Failing to hit our performance goals can mine our confidence but we often look in the wrong places to figure out why it’s happening.
Do Your Natural Abilities Cause Collaboration Problems?
Collaboration problems happen between people with different instinctive and innate ways of approaching tasks.
Help! My Team Needs “Fixing”…or Does It?
Often, business owners hire a coach with the goal of getting their team to align with their own leadership style and operational approach, thinking that if they can get others to work like them
Why Is Workplace Collaboration So Hard?
Poor collaboration can cost your company time and money and prevent you from delivering the kind of high-quality work that sets you apart from your competitors.
How Professional Service Firms Can Gain a Competitive Edge
Professional service firms have been slow to embrace executive coaching. Yet, it is a strategic tool that could help such organizations deal with a wide-spread issue.
Simple Relationship Management Strategies that Drive Business Growth
The cornerstone of success in the business world comes down to one thing: the ability to build honest and lasting relationships with clients, co-workers, and partners.
How to Develop High Performing Teams
A high performing leadership team – where everyone is aligned and works collaboratively – is one of the most important aspects to a successful business.
Top 10 Things I Learned Using the Kolbe System™ To Coach Leaders and Teams For Almost 25 Years
The Kolbe System empowers us to have the freedom to be ourselves. Here’s what I learned about leaders, teams, and people by using this tool.
The Science That Helps You Hire the Right Person
Crucial factors are often overlooked when trying to hire the right person for the job. Here’s how to get these insights upfront.
Resolving Collaboration Problems Through a Kolbe Assessment
Kolbe helps you resolve collaboration problems by understanding how each person operates and how to optimize how you work with each other.
How to Stop Losing Talent Because of Team Conflicts
Teams that lack synergies work against each other, causing team conflicts that can lead to talent quitting.
Using Kolbe to Better Meet Your Clients’ Needs
Quickly understanding how people make decisions and take action can be a real asset to better meet clients’ needs.
Struggling to Reach Performance Goals? A Kolbe Assessment Can Tell You Why
Failing to hit our performance goals can mine our confidence but we often look in the wrong places to figure out why it’s happening.
Do Your Natural Abilities Cause Collaboration Problems?
Collaboration problems happen between people with different instinctive and innate ways of approaching tasks.
Clients Share What Happens When You Lean On Your Natural Strengths
Here’s a peek into how coaching clients have learned to maximize their natural talents when working alone and with others.
How To Use Kolbe’s Implementor Talent For Business Success
A team will have ideal synergy when its members fall into each of the three Follow Thru zones, which describe the ability to Adapt, Maintain and Systematize within this Action Mode.
2025 – Make It Your Best Year!
The holidays area perfect time for quiet leadership reflection, to evaluate what has been and what’s most important to focus on in the new year. Here’s a simple yet incredibly powerful exercise to help you do so.
Finding Your Footing (and Sanity!) in the New Normal
We are all used to going off to our worlds for most of the day but now with social distancing those worlds are either merging 24/7 or are being taken away from us (almost) completely. How do we adapt to this new normal?
Are You a Grateful Leader?
Many of us share what we are grateful for at the Thanksgiving table. Yet, the attitude of gratitude shouldn’t be something that we only embrace once a year.
Knowing Yourself as a Leader Starts With This Question
I often ask my leadership development clients, “Who are you, really?” Knowing yourself is critical to being an effective leader and for many, this is a challenging question.
How to Hit Your Stride as a Leader
Is your work really letting you tap into your passion and use your talents? Or are you in an executive job you do enjoy but feeling you haven’t hit your stride as a leader quite yet?
Preserving Your Sanity By Taking A Social Media Break
I’m not a person who tends to develop any sort of addiction. Yet, I have to admit that starting with the presidential election, I became addicted to Facebook. I would often look at it first thing
A Sad Reminder of What’s Important
This past week, my family had a sudden and shocking loss; my beloved 73-year-old cousin was instantly killed in an automobile accident. Within days, the family gathered
Happy Women’s Equality Day!
I remember back in 1975, as a teenager, I was told by my father that I should not consider getting a job in business, as I would be taking a job away from a man who would need to support a family. I found the comment shocking and it certainly fueled my motivation to...
Kolbe Wisdom™ on the Home Front
I often teach and write about Kolbe Wisdom™ in the workplace. Recently, however, the same insights helped me understand myself on the home front.
Reach new heights in the role you love by bringing more of what’s amazing about you into it.
Learn how to work together in the most productive way by leveraging the strengths of every person on the team.

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