Greatness begins with awareness.

Know Your Kolbe Quick Start Score For Good Leadership and Teamwork

The Kolbe A™ Index, developed by Kathy Kolbe, measures people’s innate problem-solving patterns, providing a 1-10 score on 4 different Action Modes®. This information can help leaders figure out their core leadership strengths and how to make the most of them. It also provides insights on how to assign roles within a team to enhance productivity and the ability to work collaboratively.

Understanding Kolbe’s Quick Start Action Mode

The Quick Start score tells us how much change and risk leaders and team members need when solving problems.

Kolbe Quick Start score range explanationQUICK START SCORE 7-10: “INNOVATE” TALENT

People with this score act with a sense of urgency, thrive on deadlines and naturally improvise. Their inclination is to compress time with shortcuts and instant solutions.

Quick Start “Innovators” In Action

  • Jerome is a Managing Director of a successful accounting firm. He has a 9 in Quick Start, which drives the innate speed and sense of urgency with which he operates.  As a leadership skill, this makes him the firm’s visionary: he sees what is possible for the firm, long before the other partners do; a talent he has used to help the firm grow significantly. However, Jerome often gets push back from others who are not ready for new ideas. For this reason, when working with his team, Jerome needs to be patient and find approaches to allow others to accept his ideas.
  • For Aaron, a consultant, a 7 in Quick Start means that he is drawn to solve his clients’ problems before they finish describing their situation.  The Kolbe Assessment showed him he has to take a breather and listen to all the clients have to say, or else he might rush into solving the wrong problem. The awareness gained through knowing his Kolbe score has produced huge payoffs in his professional and personal life. 


These folks respond well to what their instincts tell them are critical risks and deadlines. Although they are willing to take risks, they may not be the team member that will generate new solutions or approaches. They will do their best work when they can respond to change after they have had some time to let the notions settle.

Quick Start “Modifiers” In Action

  • Jackson has a 5 in Quick Start and owns a digital marketing company.  He says he will try new things, but usually gives his team the job of creating the firm’s out-of-the-box client solutions.  He is at his best when he plays the role of the mediator between staff or clients that demand new options and those that resist them.
  • For Albert, a Director of Database Management at a large university, his 4 in Quick Start is one of his best assets.  When solving a problem, his inclination is not to spring immediately into action. Rather, he slows down problem solving to consider his approach before acting. This helps him make a decision that will hold for the long term, an important need in his field.  The only downside is that others might be concerned that he doesn’t have a sense of urgency, so he must be mindful of that when collaborating in a team and let others know he is considering the next steps.


These people refuse to be rushed and won’t get caught up in disruptions, competitive deadlines or distracting challenges.  They have an important role within a team because they create continuity and keep things from changing constantly.

Quick Start “Stabilizers” In Action

  • Michelle, a 3 in Quick Start, is the Vice President at a large utility company and is in charge of the control center.  She naturally questions if suggested changes are necessary.  Her primary goal is to ensure the operation runs without any chaos or disruptions.
  • Jerry is a senior leader in an IT firm with a Kolbe Quick Start score of 2.  This gives him the innate ability to bring a sense of calm to the team and make sure things do not get out of hand.  Jerry recognizes that when new ideas are suggested, his natural inclination is to say NO.  To collaborate well with people who are more predisposed to innovate, he has trained himself to respond that he will get back to them the next day, knowing that the extra time with allow him to entertain the new idea.


Innovators, modifiers, and stabilizers can all be very good leaders…if they lead using their innate talents. To be most effective, a team must have people with different Quick Start scores.

The important thing is to know how your natural strengths support your role, how to manage when it challenges you and how to best work with those who have a different approach to solving problems.

Contact me to find out how your Kolbe Quick Start mode can impact leadership and teamwork for you.

Discover the other Kolbe Action Modes®:

Fact Finder Measures: Methods of Gathering and Sharing Information
Follow Thru Measures: Methods of Organizing
Quick Start Measures: Methods of Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty
Implementor Measures: Methods of Handling Space and Tangibles


Kolbe A™ Index and Action Modes® are the trademarks of Kathy Kolbe and Kolbe Corp. All rights reserved.


  1. Pam Morris

    Susan, I really like your examples. They really show how each person leads with their unique QS talent. Thank you!

    • Susan

      Thanks, Pam. Fun stuff!


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