Greatness begins with awareness.

Questions about the Kolbe System

Q: I’ve heard of Myers-Briggs™ and many other “personality” tests. What makes the Kolbe system unique?

A: Skills can be taught, personalities can change, but instincts are hardwired into every individual. Instead, the Kolbe system is based on unchangeable instincts. As a result, it’s the only proven way that companies and groups can:

  • Forecast how teams will perform
  • Identify individual’s instinctive strengths and abilities
  • Pinpoint areas of stress for individuals and prescribe solutions
  • Enhance individual or team’s competitive advantage by capitalizing on innate strength
  • Minimize conflicts, strain and tension in the workplace
  • Create teams with the most synergistic mix of talent
  • Determine whether or not particular candidates are right for a job.

Q: You talk about instincts a lot. So, how do you find out about how people approach problems?

A: The Kolbe system has identified 12 instinctive methods of creative problem-solving. The Kolbe A™ index measures a person’s instinctive method of operation (MO) which allows him or her to be most productive. The Kolbe B™ index measures a person’s self-expectations on the job. Comparing the Kobe A and B index results helps people recognize when they are performing contrary to their natural abilities. The Kolbe C™ index identifies the characteristics needed to succeed in a specific job. This index is filled out by a supervisor. Comparing Kolbe A and C index results identifies when job-related stress is caused by conflicting demands. Each Kolbe index consists of 36 questions requiring a most/least response. There are no right or wrong answers — everyone brings a valuable combination of instincts to the table.

Q: Kolbe sounds interesting to me. But can I expect any results to my bottom line?

A: Let’s let the numbers speak for themselves. Here are some recent examples of how the Kolbe system has had tremendous bottom-line payoff:

  • Xerox Quality Services cut its training design and development time by 50%.
  • A national, multi-branch financial institution saved $10 million in hiring and training costs.
  • Eastman Chemical Company completed a major SAP software implementation on time, under budget, and with zero turnover.

Q: I don’t think it’s fair to judge people’s personalities with these types of “tests.” Why should we use it?

A: It is important to note that there are no right or wrong answers to any of the Kolbe indexes. Everyone brings a valuable combination of instincts to the table and Kolbe index results help teams build on individual strengths.

Q: Now that we know about our Kolbe indexes, what are we supposed to do next?

A: Mismatched jobs and instincts are the reasons for most workplace stress. My job is to help individuals and companies realize that understanding, maximizing, and leveraging instincts is the key to success whether on the individual or team level. When groups better understand the relative strengths of individuals, and how mental energy is distributed among team members — they become more effective, saving valuable time and money while increasing productivity.

TAGS: Kolbe


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